We took the girls fishing at Pine Valley today and had such a GREAT time!!!! It was our first family fishing trip..... and I have to say that we did pretty good! In total we caught about 12 trout ranging from 5-8 inches. Charley got to reel in about 5 fish..... Not bad for her first time! Rob said "Charley, your the best fisherman ever!"..... and Charley said "No dad.... I'm Princess fisherman." Ha ha ha! It was soooooo cute, and she LOVED it! We took the girls bikes with us so they could ride them around. What a FUN relaxing day!!!!
I met my husband Robert Foster at UMC's Trauma Center in Las Vegas, NV. It was one of those "TA DA" moments. He is my soul mate and best friend. We have been blessed with three beautiful little girls, Charley Ryan, Lenni Rose, and Kevyn Hue. They have become the center of our universe and we LOVE them sooooo much! Life is soooo GOOD!
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