Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy Birthday LENNI ROSE!!!! 4 Years Old!

Our little angel Lenni Rose turned 4 years old today!!!! We celebrated on Thursday with a Lilo and Stitch birthday party.  We had 16 children come over for a pool party.  Talk about total chaos, but it was still loads of FUN.  Lenni is such a sweetheart and gentle little soul.  She is my little cuddles and is a mamas girl.  It makes me sad that she is growing up so fast.  She told me today that she wants to stay 3 years old forever.... and I said ME TOO!!!  I am so proud of her and am so blessed to be her mom... Lenni, I love you so much.... How much?  Way way more than you know!!  I can't imagine life before you came along, you are the music to my dance and my song.  I was meant for you and you were meant for me, the one I love forever more undeniably!  LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Lenni's First Day of Preschool 2013... Kevyn is 22 Months!

Lenni's first day of preschool this year without Charley went really well!  She is in the upstairs class this year and is going to love it!!  Wreck it Ralph is turning 22 months and is still a little pill!!!  She is so stinking smart.... I gave her her first hair cut a couple of days ago, and it is so funny how it changed her whole look....  She is such a CUTIE!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Kindergarten!!!! Charley's 1st DAY!

Look out kindergarten... Little Miss smarty pants is on the scene!  I can't believe Charley is off to kindergarten.  Today was her first day, and she was soooo excited.  I love love love love love this girl and am so proud of her.  I've heard people talk about when your kids start school but didn't know how emotional I would be.... I went home and cleaned the house to keep my mind off of it, because all I wanted to do is cry.  Our little buddy is going to be gone all day long.  I am going to miss her! :(  She is going to do so good and learn so much!  Charley loved her first day and loved her new teacher Mrs. Harris! :)  Love you Charley to infinity and beyond!!!