Friday, April 27, 2012

My Sillies.... and Kevyn is 6 Months!

These girls are sooooooo SILLY!!!!  Me trying to get a picture with all three of them looking at the camera IS IMPOSSIBLE!   After awhile it just becomes a comedy.... I give up!  Anyway... Kevyn just turned 6 months and had her 6 month checkup.  She is 86 percentile in weight and 99 percentile in height.  She is going to be a tall drink of water!  She has been eating alot more food... She loves sweet potatoes and bananas, and is almost sitting up on her own.  She is rolling all over the place and says mama when she cries!  She is still the happiest and most easy going baby ever.  I am so happy that these three little choice spirits chose us as their parents.  I am just in awe of how beautiful they are and that I get to be a part of their lives.  There is some advantages of being an older parent..... I can see the big picture and I want to do everything I can to give them the guidance they need in life to make the right decisions, and be successful in everything that they choose to do.  I LOVE them with every fiber of my being, my heart, and my spirit.  There is no greater calling in life than being a parent!!!!  And I am so blessed beyond anything I could have ever imagined!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt!

The Easter bunny hid eggs while we were at church, so we had a egg hunt when we got home. Uncle Mike came over and brought the girls more Easter loot.... they ended up making a haul! We grilled up some salmon and chicken and the neighbors came over to swim for a little bit. We even went for a walk after dinner. What a great day!!!! My attempt to get a good picture of the three girlies didn't go well.... ha ha ha! I love love love my little family. They mean the world to me, and I am so so so so thankful! OHANA!!!!

Yeah... Easter Morning!!!!

Yeah.... The Easter Bunny made it to our house!!! The girls were super excited to get dressed up in their Easter dresses and go to church bright and early! They were a little sad that they had to leave their Easter loot at home. Charley had to give the 5th article of faith in primary and she did awesome!!!

Egg Hunt at the Park!

School Easter Party.... and Dying Eggs at Home!