Monday, November 14, 2016

Goodbye Cast!

Kind of cool that Dad took Charley's cast off before school on Friday.... We love our Doctor Dad!

NYC Marathon Week 2016!

Okay.... So we kinda had the best time ever!!!!  I can't say it enough.... but I love NYC!  Hands down my favorite city and my favorite marathon!  I've told Rob that as long as I can qualify I am going to run their marathon.  We had such a great time running around the city shopping and eating great food.  We met up with one of Rob's friends and ran around the city.  We took pictures with him but they didn't turn out.  I can't wait to take the girls when they get a little older.... They are going to LOVE it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Welcome to Our Tea Party! Halloween 2016!

OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!!!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM OUR TEA PARTY!  I have no words.... So stinking CUTE!  We had so much fun dressing up and trick or treating.  Rob and I finally got to go to a Halloween party this year.... hahahaha!  This was our last minute "get up".  Anyway, I loved the costume choices the girls made this year.  It's their first time doing a theme.  So so so so CUTE!