Saturday, June 30, 2012

Three Little Monkies!!!!! Kevyn is 8 Months.....

Will I ever be able to get these 3 to cooperate?  Probably not..... They are sooooooooo SILLY!   Kevyn  just turned 8 months and is getting so big!  She is pretty much crawling... The army crawl is the way she chooses to get around and she is as fast as a torpedo.  She is starting to get into everything (LOOK OUT WORLD)!  Charley and Lenni have been keeping busy with summer school and swimming lessons.  Charley had a break through the other day with Miss Kathy at swimming lessons and is swimming on her own.  She is so funny to watch, because her little arms are straight when she is doing her stroke through the water.  I even had a lady there tell me that I should think about competitive swimming in the future..... WOW!  Lenni's almost swimming on her own too!  I am so proud of these 3 SILLY MONKIES!!!!:) LOVES!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I've Lost Count..... 8???

Super DAD!

The Griswalds....

Happy face!

Why is Clark walking into the ocean with his shoes and socks on?  Are you serious? LOL!

 I think that this is the girls 8th time at Disneyland.... We had a blast as usual!!!  There are a few rides that Rob and I are starting to argue which one of us has to go on with the girls.... Ha ha ha ha.  Its sooo worth it!  We are trying not to take as many pictures.... but I don't want to ever forget these super happy faces!!!!

Little ANGEL!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dance Pictures!