Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sorry we are going private....

Sorry...... my husband has been on my case to go private on our blog.  I have finally decided to give in.  If you follow our blog, please leave a comment with your e-mail address so that I can add it to my list.  I would love to stay in touch with everyone!  LOL


Stucki's said...

Hey don't forget about me!! I think going private is a great thing!!annaday86@hotmail.com

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

Hey, I don't blame you! jessicajensen25@gmail.com

Malea and Parx said...


Kristen said...

Don't forget me. I love seeing what my little one will be doing soon. Your babes a doll! kikidemas@hotmail.com

Brittney said...

Hey this is Brittney Hadley. You worked with my husband George in ct. I would love to be added. My email is bmeek42@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Good choice! I might be doing that soon:)


Pugs said...

Yep, I should probably do the same! adpugmire@gmail.com. Love your blog! Don't forget me!

Mr Mike said...

Hey Kelli would you add me so I can follow pics of Charley as she grows. Thanks hope all is well. Miss all of you.-- Mike

Cheryl Swayne said...

Put Tom and Cheryl Swayne in at tomcher@embarqmail.com. My blog is smokeywestford.blogspot.com. Not as adventurous as yours though. Love Auntie CherBear

bows and more said...

kepp me in the loop! ekackley@hotmail.com P.S. Happy B-day Charley! She is so darling! And such a cute B-day princess! Tell Gloriana I want a invite to her blog too!