Okay I know that this is side ways..... Sorry. It is still really cute though, so I had to post it. Try to ignore the mess and the tears in my ottoman. I've been to lazy to replace it. LOL
I met my husband Robert Foster at UMC's Trauma Center in Las Vegas, NV. It was one of those "TA DA" moments. He is my soul mate and best friend. We have been blessed with three beautiful little girls, Charley Ryan, Lenni Rose, and Kevyn Hue. They have become the center of our universe and we LOVE them sooooo much! Life is soooo GOOD!
How cute is she. This girl has rhythem. I see dance classes in her future.
She has got the moves for sure!! It is so cute how they dance when they are this little:) The girl can "cut a rug" that's for sure!!
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