Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Little Hernia Surgery....

My little "happy go lucky" had a hernia repair surgery on Friday and did so good... She was born with an umbilical hernia.  I have to say that I was so nervous.  It was just me and her... Rob had to get the girls off to school.  I was trying so hard to hold back the tears because I didn't want her to be scared.  The minute they took her back and I had to go out to the waiting room I lost it.  She is my little "happy go lucky"!  She brings so much joy into our lives... She is seriously the happiest little person I know.  After I gave the girls a bath that night I turned around to Kevyn in her little get up... She is so funny!  Anyway, I made them a nest in my room so they could watch The Good Dinosaur.  You would never even know that Kevyn had surgery... She has not complained about it once.  Grown ups are total wimps!  Kids Rock!  This little mini of mine is TOUGH AS NAILS!