Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Welcome baby Kevyn Hue Foster!!!!!!!

WOW!!!!!! Welcome baby Kevyn Hue!!!!!! Welcome to our little family!!!! It is so good to have you here safe and sound!

Our little peanut arrived on Thursday October 20, 2011 at 11:44 PM. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. Her hair is a strawberry blonde, and if she looks like anyone.... she looks like Lenni!!! It was kind of crazy when she arrived.....
We finally got our call to come to Labor and Delivery at 6 PM. By the time I was all hooked up and started it was 7:30. Rob and I were sure that she would not arrive before midnight. After they started the epideral, it was almost 11 PM. My nurse was with another patient, so she sent some one else to do my catheter. Rob had stepped out to run and get a pepsi. It was then that she was ready to pop out. After a total panic.... and calling everyone to get back in the room, Rob made it right in time and almost had to deliver because Dr. Lunt was still not there. As soon as the Dr. walked in, out she came!!!!! It happened so fast, that it was surreal. This little girl is perfect in every way. Talk about AMAZING.... and wow what a miracle!!!! We are sooooo blessed to have her here with us. We were lucky enough to bring her home the following day to meet her sisters. Charley and Lenni absolutely love her and jump at the chance to help me with her. Charley's first words were " Wow.... mom, she is beautiful", and Lenni loves to kiss her head. Rob and I have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams with these 3 little girls!!!!!! We love them sooooooo much!