Sunday, October 2, 2016

Marathon Weekend!

St. George Marathon weekend!!!  So so so so happy its over!  Hahahaha!   3:24:22 is my official time.  Although that is a great time, I have to say I am a little disappointed because I had so many issues.  My hip was freaking killing me and I had to stop 5 times to use the restroom... Seriously!  I bawled like a baby at the end because I was so overcome with joy that I didn't have to run any further!  LOL!  I was really hurting.  Anyway, I am so thankful for my little support team and was so happy to see their faces at the end.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming to support me!!!!  Love you guys so much!

After the marathon we loaded up and went to the cabin for some serious recovery.  Beau, Chanley and Dylan came up for some grub and campfire stories.  It was so much fun and a perfect ending to an epic memorable weekend!  Serious fall colors on top of Kolob right about now.... AMAZING!  Can't wait until next time!