Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summertime MADNESS!

Summertime FUN!!!  We have been having a super fun and super busy summer so far.... So busy that I haven't been taking any pictures with the camera.... These are all from my phone.  Our SUMMER.... Swimming, Movies, Barefoot Academy Summer Camp, swimming lessons, dance camp, gymnastics, swimming, Kid Rock concert, dance clubbing, swimming, Pine Valley, fishing, Zions, swimming, BBQ's, museums, and more swimming.  The girls have been living in the pool!!!  I love having them home and waking up with no plan.  "What are we going to do today girls?"  I am going to be super sad when school starts!  Its a good thing we still have a month and a half before school starts..... We still have our summer vacay to look forward to.  Anyway, I just have to say that being a mom ROCKS!!!  These girls are so much FUN!