Saturday, February 23, 2013

Kevyn is 16 Months....

Wreck it Ralph is 16 months old.... going on 5.  Okay... if 16 months is any indication of how the terrible twos are going to be... Rob and I better buckle up because we are going to have our work cut out for us.  Ha ha ha ha!  It's this little stinker bugs personality that makes her so dang cute and completely adorable.  I can tell you that this little one has Daddy completely whooped!  Little missy is also a smarty pants.  She knows where some body parts are... Nose, bellybutton, mouth, ears and hands.  She loves to say "hi" and "bye bye" to everyone we see.  She can say "thank you".  Her favorite word is "owie".   For some reason she says that alot.  Ha ha ha....  Anyway, I guess we are lucky that she can't quite reach the chandeliers, because gaurantee ya she would be swinging from them.

Indiana's Birthday Party!

We had fun at Indiana's birthday party!!!  She had a Minnie party and of course Minnie made an appearance.... Lenni was in heaven, because she loves Minnie!  Kevyn really liked her too.  Charley had gotten flatten out by one of the 200 kids inside the play room earlier so she wasn't having it.  For some reason Jumping Jacks was like a zoo that day.... Bananas is the only word that can describe it.... Luckily Charley wasn't hurt to bad.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!  We had a good day... with heart cookies and heart pizza!  Yay!!!  We haven't been taking to many pictures lately because everyones been sick.... Kevyn has been sick for just over a month now.  She will get better and then start getting something else.  Charley and Lenni have both been sick off and on.... Bring on the warmer weather and spring time because I am totally over it.  Sure makes you appreciate when everyone is healthy....


A little bit of randomness and Charley and Lenni's gymnastics review.  Charley and Lenni both did really good.... Afterwards Charley wasn't really into taking pictures....